Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils
These are the same oils I use for my soaps, so they
are of the highest quality possible. Our suppliers
do not dilute or adulterate these oils and neither do
we...straight out of the bottle from my home to yours!
While these oils will be available at our shows, we
will usually only bring our bestsellers. If you have a
special request for a particular oil, please contact us
several days before the show. These oils are
in amber glass bottles which hold 0.5
ounces of each scent.
Please DO NOT apply these directly to your skin. While
they are skin safe, they are highly concentrated and MUST
be diluted before using on your skin. Just use a good
quality vegetable oil to dilute then. Your other sources
for oils may be diluted...these are not, so don't risk the
possibility of causing yourself to become sensitized (allergic)
at some point in the future. Then you may not be
able to wear
any scents, use any scented cleaning products, you may start
coughing whenever you smell "anything" and you will lose
the ability to enjoy one of our most miraculous senses--the
sense of smell.
Essential Oils are 100% natural being derived directly from the
plant material--and not every plant, fruit, nut or seed is able to
be distilled into it's essence. Be very leary of anyone claiming
to have a 100% natural product when they have scents that
do not list the latin name (or INCI name) of the plant material.
Fragrance Oils may include an Essential Oil, but, they get their
great scents mainly from a chemical synthesis--like perfumes.
They should not be labeled as 100% natural because of this,
but, I can guarantee you these fragrances are among the
finest available anywhere!
Which is right for you? It probably does not matter if you are
going to diffuse them in a burner or lamp ring. Go with what
you like. If you will be making your own bath and body
products, you might want to consider the essential oils if you
have sensitive skin or any allergies or if you are making a
product that will be left on the skin like a lotion or body oil.
Please note, these are skin safe oils and I have not purchased
them for use in candles. Please email me directly if that is how
you would like to use them. I may be able to tell you if they are
candle safe and what their flashpoints are.
Another note, these bottles are not appropriate to be carried
around in a purse, bag or other such. They are made to sit flat
on a shelf in a cool, dry location--they especially like your
refrigerator! The oils will stain or discolor fabrics,
wood surfaces
etc. if they spill, so please exercise due care in their use,
and transport.
Shipping note: If you just need oils, up to 5 bottles at a time
will fit in our first class mailing box for for something under the regular Priority Flat Rate of
shipping (that's as of January 2020). Larger quantities will be
mailed via Priority Mail. We can only ship oils with
higher flash
points via Priority Mail--others must go ground or parcel.
0.5 ounces in amber glass bottle $6.00